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Treatment Options For Asthma

Asthma is a respiratory disorder where the bronchial tree is blocked by the formation of phlegm. Several factors cause phlegm formation. Some food like papaya, watermelon, and banana may affect people with an asthmatic tendency. Those who are vulnerable to this respiratory distress are recommended to avoid those foods.
Inflammation of the respiratory track is the major cause in tissue level which ultimately shows up as respiratory distress. Because of the inflamed respiratory track, the muscles of the bronchus shrink thus obstructing the passage of air to the lung. Thus the patient feels stuffy. Asthma can become so severe where the life of the patient is under threat.
You can treat your asthma with naturals aids. There are many of them like Indian goose berries. If your doctors prescribe this natural remedy you will need to take 5-6 berries daily. And to get a better result berries should be taken with honey. This treatment is well known among the asthma patients.
Some of the patients suffering from asthma may think that they are bound to live like they are doomed. But actually its not. Asthma is well treatable with the help of modern science. There are remedies to this disease.
Honey is regarded to be one of the all times best remedy to asthma. Honey can be taken with cinnamon or you may also prefer taking it in diluted form. Mix it well with lukewarm water and have a glass before going to bed. It will give you much comfort if taken regularly.
The living place of an asthma patient should be clean from dust and the denticulation system should be good. There should be lot of fresh air. Enough doors and windows in the home can assure proper ventilation for an asthma patient. Besides, they need to stay away from chlorine or tartrnize products.

The best and the most available aid for asthma treatment is honey. If you are suffering from asthma, honey can be your daily dose. Honey mixed with cinnamon or diluted in lukewarm water can field excellent remedy to this respiratory tract distress. So don't forget to have a tea spoon of honey before you go to bed every night.
Cold affects asthma patients badly. Cold weather stimulates the sensitive tracheal muscles and causes breathlessness. Therefore, cold should be avoided to the best. If taken seriously you can bid goodbye to that irritable respiratory distress.


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