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Advances in Asthma Treatment

Asthma medications help keep asthma symptoms under control. However, there is a new non-medication asthma treatment in development.
Controlling asthma and avoiding attacks is the goal of most asthma treatment strategies. It is important to following the recommended regime and avoid asthma attack triggers. To some asthma sufferers the constant use of controllers can be tedious. Advances in asthma treatment not only focus on developing more effective inhalers and drug compositions that can help manage the disease better, but also focus on treatment strategies that can help improve the disease physiology resulting in fewer asthma attacks.

What is Asthma?

Asthma is a chronic lung disease. It main characteristics include airway inflammation and bronchospasms that tighten the smooth muscles that wrap the airways. These characteristics result in wheezing, chest tightness, coughing, and difficulty breathing. The effects are reversible and can be controlled or reversed by anti-inflammatory agents or bronchodilators. The cause of asthma is unknown but infections, cold air, allergens, stress, and exercise may make the symptoms worse.
Asthma is a commonly diagnosed disease in the United States with 10 percent of children having been diagnosed with asthma.

Dealing With Asthma in Children

Dealing with asthma is difficult. What more if your patient is a fragile child?
Unfortunately, childhood asthma is very common worldwide. Naturally, asthma occurs during the early stages of life and stays up until the adult years. In some countries, asthma is the primary cause of hospitalization among children. That means the severity of attacks can be no kinder than what adult asthmatics experience.
Asthma Care
If you are a parent of an asthmatic child, you must try to learn as much as you can about the condition and how you can be of help to your child's asthma treatment plan. If you child is way too young to communicate how he feels or how the condition is affecting him, you will be his spokesperson. You will be the important facilitator that will make treatment of asthma and management possible.
You must also remember that asthma behaves differently over time. This means that your child's treatment plan may be an ever-changing field. You need to bring your child not once to see a physician. He needs to be closely monitored so the doctor can see to it that his symptoms are controlled and that, he experiences none of the severe side effects that asthma medications may possibly bring about. Often times, devising a treatment plan for asthma in children is a trial-and-error process. Before getting to the best asthma management plan, you need to try out a few different things to get to the perfect fit.
Coping with the Emotional Burden
Asthma is a life-changing condition. It may affect your child in more ways than one. The heaviest may be the emotional burden that comes with the limitations imposed by the disease. Asthmatics should not be exposed to the irritants that may activate their attack. In this case, you child will probably have limited movements, which may take a toll on his temper.
Always be ready to talk to your child about his "difference" from other children and be patient in explaining why he needs to do some things and not be able to do some others. Helping your child understand all about his condition, the dangers and limitations that come with it will definitely make him feel better. You must never wait another moment to make your child feel better, especially since emotional stress may also cause an episode of an attack.
What to Do During an Emergency
One of the most stressful things that come with asthma in children is dealing with an emergency. As a parent, you must learn what to do during a situation like that to make sure that you are not putting your child's life in danger. Find all the help that you need from your child's physician as well as from numerous support groups intended to parents of children with asthma. Since you are carrying the burden along with your child, you will need a strong support system that will guide you through. With childhood asthma being very common, it is not too hard to find a parent going through the same misery as yours.

Important Tips For Asthma Treatment

Asthma is such a disease that may have many reasons. It may be either inherited of it may originate any time at later stage. You should be careful about asthma treatment if you have become its victim. Best natural treatment is through eating such foods which strengthen the lungs, for example grams or the pulse of gram and its products. Moreover, it is such a disease that is sometimes obvious as a reaction or allergy to certain foods e.g. some people cannot digest tamarind that results in sneezing and ultimately if it persists then it sometimes turns into asthma.
Asthma is sometimes the outcome of the pollens which grow on wild mulberry. When it is spring season, pollens are everywhere in the atmosphere all around the patients. When he/she inhales them, it results in asthma attack. The best asthma treatment in this season is to cover your nose with some small cloth nose covering that allows only the filtered air to pass.
Asthma treatment is also possible when children are very small and they have somehow caught this disease. Apart from medicines, it is said that swimming is the best treatment as swimmers are required to control breathing while jumping into the deep water. In the same way, during swimming sometimes they have to stop breath for few moments and sometimes they have to inhale oxygen; in short this apparently petty exercise works in a long way to strengthen their lungs.
Asthma treatment should not be taken as the petty issue. The patient must consult the doctor for advice and proper prescription and should regularly follow his instructions. For asthma treatment there have been researches going on in which medical scientists are trying to cure this disease through vaccination. Ideally this vaccine doze will be sufficient for one complete year in the beginning. Later its period will be extended.

How Reducing Dust Mites Offers Relief From Asthma Symptoms

The increase in children and adults who suffer from allergies and asthma has steadily increased worldwide. There is a way to lower the risk of child asthma and even prevent your child from ever developing this serious lung disease. Health experts warn that children don't simply learn to grow out of these life threatening diseases and that preventative action to reduce dust mites, which prove to be one of the worst triggers is very important. Infants in their first year are the most susceptible to developing a sensitivity that can eventually become full blown asthma, but even adults can suddenly react to these allergens after many years of living with them. Reducing the dust mites in your home will also be highly beneficial for the health of those who already have illness due to allergies and asthma and doing so can offer effective asthma relief.

Dust mites are very tiny insects that can't be seen but thrive easily in bedding, pillows, rugs, mattresses, chairs and anything that has stuffing. Moist, warm and humid environments are their havens. We keep them well fed feed with the dead skin that we shed on a daily basis. The mite produces allergens from their droppings which is microscopic and easily floats into the air. When we inhale this allergen we become ill with allergy or asthma symptoms. If your pillow is two years old it holds around ten percent of it's weigh in dust mites and their waste. Even nastier is your mattress, which can actually contain up to ten million dust mites and their droppings.

It's just not possible to completely get rid of all dust mites, but it is possible to safely reduce their population enough to make a difference in your health. There are several things that experts recommend you do to accomplish this.

First, keeping relative humidity less than 50 percent is proven to greatly reduce the dust mite population and in winter, setting the temperature to not more than 70 F or 21 C will also help prevent them from thriving. Using portable dehumidifiers were not shown to significantly reduce humidity levels. Air conditioners can reduce humidity in the summer, but must be kept clean and air filters need to be replaced frequently.

Invest in a good quality Ultra HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air) filter air purifier to take out the airborne allergens and also an Ultra HEPA filter vacuum cleaner for any rugs or floors and upholstery cleaning. Steam cleaning rugs and furniture is also effective. Washing floors and walls helps to prevent dust build up. If you can replace rugs with laminate flooring etc. this is better.

Placing casings or covers specifically made for dust mite control on pillows and mattresses. Washing all bedding in hot water 60 degrees C or 130 degrees F on a weekly basis is known to kill dust mites and any eggs. Drying bedding in a hot dryer. Chemicals used on carpets and upholstery which are known to kill dust mites can also trigger asthma and allergy reactions are not recommended.Reducing dust mites with these measures will make an improvement in your family's health and possibly prevent them from developing allergies and asthma.

Asthma Cure

Asthma is often thought to be an incurable disease. The misconception starts here. First of all, Asthma is not considered a disease but a condition.

This condition, however, can be a debilitating one as it can hamper normal everyday life considerably and an asthma attack is a very frightening experience as those of us who have suffered can verify.

5000 lives are lost through asthma in the United States every year and 180.000 worldwide.

This condition which is caused through the inflammation of the airways can now be cured very simply and in a natural way. Doctors are often too quick to prescribe medication in an effort for the patient to get over an attack very quickly and I have often taken Cortisone and Antibiotics pretty much all winter. The truth is that this medication appears to merely shelve the condition until your next attack and in the process can be harmful to the body as it undermines rather than builds the immune system of the body until such time that you are entirely dependent on the medication.

Many a person has had to be carted off to hospital with a collapsed lung because the lungs could no longer cope with working so hard to breathe. This difficulty in breathing also is a great strain on the heart and so many other organs are affected as well. A person who is not very strong can suffer enormously when an asthma attack is acute.

People, however, often believe that asthma is an illness they have to live with for the rest of their lives. Well, like with many beliefs, things have changed and research has been carried out for many years, especially in the field of illness and medicine and cures are found for illnesses that were considered incurable only a few years ago.

Health is the most precious commodity a person has, without it, life can be very difficult. If you were able to breathe normally, and able to get proper asthma treatment, would you not make very sure that you were cured to enable you to live a normal life?

Help is now at hand. Alternative Health Practitioner, Jerry Ericson, has developed a program to get over asthma forever. He too suffered from childhood with this condition and researched it and developed the asthma cure to heal himself and to enable us to live an asthma free life.

If you are an asthma sufferer, check this out and see for yourself. It is vital for your wellbeing!

Testing for Asthma To Find The Best Asthma Treatments

To obtain a proper diagnosis and prognosis of an asthma condition, an appointment should be scheduled with a qualified doctor. The physician will perform an examination and any tests he thinks are required to determine whether or not the patient suffers from asthma. After a positive diagnosis, treatment that will help the patient live with this disease can be administered.
During the exam, a physician will need to be advised of the medical history of the patient. The patient will be required to cooperate with the doctor by explaining all of the symptoms they have been experiencing which has caused them to consider asthma. Some of these symptoms may be difficulty in breathing and experiencing wheezing.
It is also important for the patient to let the doctor know if there are certain conditions that trigger these symptoms, such as smoke, pollen, and household dust or pet dander. Allergies can sometimes create similar symptoms, so it will need to be determined whether allergies could be the problem. Part of the patient history will be whether or not you or your close relatives have a history of being allergy or asthma sufferers.
Various testing may be performed to aid the physician in his diagnosis. A spirometry may be used to help determine the function of the lungs by measuring your capacity for breathing. Also, as part of the visit with the physician, x-rays as well as other tests may be performed to rule out other conditions that may be similar to asthma.
If the patient is a child, the parents' medical conditions will most likely be considered and if the parents suffer from asthma, a child experiencing the same symptoms has a good chance of it being an asthma condition.
Children may be harder to diagnose as they may have allergies or colds that will show the same symptoms as asthma. They also have narrow airways which may it more difficult for the doctor to make a proper diagnosis.

Natural Treatment for Asthma Get Relief From Asthma Without Pills or Inhalers

A naturopathic approach to treating asthma gives longer lasting relief and helps to completely cure the disease, without any of the side effects associated with medicines
In the simplest of terms, asthma refers to a condition where the patient seems to be ‘gasping for breath’. It occurs either gradually or abruptly, often preceded by cough or precipitated by strong odours, allergens or a cold climate. The air passages or bronchi of asthma patients gets clogged with mucus, making it difficult to breathe. Attacks of asthma are often debilitating and severe attacks can also be fatal.

What Causes Asthma?

To understand the rationale for natural treatment of asthma, we need to understand what causes asthma. Asthma can be caused by various factors. The common reasons are allergies, be it a reaction to the weather, strong smells, dust, pollen or other allergens or even certain articles of food like potatoes, eggs, milk, wheat or beans. Asthma is known to be hereditary, and may also be precipitated by air pollution or emotional stress. Non allergic factors may include a weakness in the lung muscles or imbalance of certain enzymes of the respiratory system.

Treating Asthma with Exercise

For reasons that are not fully understood, the prevalence of asthma is on the rise worldwide. In the United Kingdom alone there are over three million sufferers. In general, asthma is a condition where it becomes difficult to breathe, with the severity ranging from a mildly annoying difficulty in catching one's breath to a major life threatening inability to breathe at all. These episodes of shortness of breath can be relieved with medications, but exercise and diet are considered crucial tools in asthma treatment helping to control the frequency and severity of asthmatic episodes.

What exactly happens during an asthma attack? In general an asthma attack involves three major physiological changes. One is bronchospasms, where irritants have caused contraction of the lung muscles, thereby narrowing the airways. The interior of the lungs can become inflamed and puffy in a way that further reduces air flow. This may result in the secretion of mucus which serves to only worsen the condition. When all three of these factors are in play, a full-blown asthma attack is underway. The goal then for an asthma sufferer is to decrease the likelihood of an asthma attack occurring, which can be done with the aid of asthma treatment medicine, diet and exercise.

The causes of asthma are considered to be both internal and external. The external causes can be common allergens such as pollen or dust, although psychological factors such as excessive stress can sometimes come into play. Internal asthma, which is generally more serious, usually develops later in life and does not respond well to asthma treatment. It is not caused by external allergens but instead can be caused by exercise, infections, stress and chemicals in the environment. Therefore it is important for asthmatics to be tested for what they may be allergic to and to avoid coming into contact with those substances as much as possible.

One of the best ways to handle stress is through exercising, but many asthmatics mistakenly believe that exercise will increase the possibility of an asthma attack. That is perhaps understandable, since we generally associate shortness of breath with physical activity.  However everything depends on what sort of exercising you do, and a properly planned regimen of exercise can actually decrease the risk of attacks. Exercise is a great stress reliever, as well as helping to create stronger respiratory muscles, desensitizing the airways to irritants and reducing the need for medication.

Treatment Options For Asthma

Asthma is a respiratory disorder where the bronchial tree is blocked by the formation of phlegm. Several factors cause phlegm formation. Some food like papaya, watermelon, and banana may affect people with an asthmatic tendency. Those who are vulnerable to this respiratory distress are recommended to avoid those foods.
Inflammation of the respiratory track is the major cause in tissue level which ultimately shows up as respiratory distress. Because of the inflamed respiratory track, the muscles of the bronchus shrink thus obstructing the passage of air to the lung. Thus the patient feels stuffy. Asthma can become so severe where the life of the patient is under threat.
You can treat your asthma with naturals aids. There are many of them like Indian goose berries. If your doctors prescribe this natural remedy you will need to take 5-6 berries daily. And to get a better result berries should be taken with honey. This treatment is well known among the asthma patients.
Some of the patients suffering from asthma may think that they are bound to live like they are doomed. But actually its not. Asthma is well treatable with the help of modern science. There are remedies to this disease.
Honey is regarded to be one of the all times best remedy to asthma. Honey can be taken with cinnamon or you may also prefer taking it in diluted form. Mix it well with lukewarm water and have a glass before going to bed. It will give you much comfort if taken regularly.
The living place of an asthma patient should be clean from dust and the denticulation system should be good. There should be lot of fresh air. Enough doors and windows in the home can assure proper ventilation for an asthma patient. Besides, they need to stay away from chlorine or tartrnize products.

Asthma Causes And Treatment

Asthma is an inflammatory disorder of the airways, characterized by periodic attacks of wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness, and coughing. The inflammation of the airways causes airflow into and out of the lungs to be restricted. These symptoms can be triggered by Exposure to tobacco or wood smoke, Breathing polluted air, Inhaling other respiratory irritants such as perfumes or cleaning products, Exposure to airway irritants at the workplace, Breathing in allergy-causing substances (inhaled allergens) such as molds, dust, dust mites, pollen or animal dander, Emotional excitement or stress, Food or drug allergies, Respiratory infections such as a cold, flu, sinusitis, or bronchitis, Exposure to cold, dry weather and Physical exertion or exercise.
With proper self management and medical treatment, symptoms can be decreased and most patients can lead normal lives although there is no cure for asthma. Treatment involves the use of rescue and control medications. Rescue medications are taken after an asthma attack has already begun. Short-acting beta-agonists are the most commonly used rescue medications. Inhaled short-acting beta-agonists work rapidly, within minutes, to open the breathing passages, and the effects usually last 4 hours.
Albuterol is the most frequently used short-acting beta-agonist medication. Anticholinergics are another class of drugs useful as rescue medications during asthma attacks. Inhaled anticholinergic drugs open the breathing passages, similar to the action of the beta-agonists. Ipratropium bromide is the inhaled anticholinergic drug currently used as a rescue medicine. Controller medicines help minimize the inflammation that causes an acute asthma attack. Long-acting beta-agonists are drugs chemically related to adrenaline, a hormone produced by the adrenal glands. Inhaled long-acting beta-agonists work to keep breathing passages open for 12 hours or longer. They relax the muscles of the breathing passages, dilating the passages and decreasing the resistance to exhaled airflow, making it easier to breathe. Salmeterol and formoterol are long-acting beta-agonists.
Inhaled corticosteroids are the main class of medications in this group that act locally by concentrating their effects directly within the breathing passages. Beclomethasone and triamcinolone are examples of inhaled corticosteroids. Leukotriene inhibitors are another group of drugs that work by blocking the chemicals that produce inflammatory response and thus reduce inflammation. Zileuton, zafirlukast and montelukast are examples of leukotriene inhibitors. Cromolyn sodium is another medication that can prevent the release of chemicals that cause asthma-related inflammation and is especially useful for people who develop asthma attacks in response to certain types of allergic exposures. Following preventive measures is another important step that will in reducing attacks and the use of medication. All known allergens and respiratory irritants should be eliminated from the house. Exposure to dust mites and moulds can be reduced by encasing mattresses and pillows in allergy-impermeable covers, removing carpets and by vacuuming the house regularly as well as lowering indoor humidity. Allergy desensitization may also be helpful in reducing asthma symptoms and medication use.