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How Reducing Dust Mites Offers Relief From Asthma Symptoms

The increase in children and adults who suffer from allergies and asthma has steadily increased worldwide. There is a way to lower the risk of child asthma and even prevent your child from ever developing this serious lung disease. Health experts warn that children don't simply learn to grow out of these life threatening diseases and that preventative action to reduce dust mites, which prove to be one of the worst triggers is very important. Infants in their first year are the most susceptible to developing a sensitivity that can eventually become full blown asthma, but even adults can suddenly react to these allergens after many years of living with them. Reducing the dust mites in your home will also be highly beneficial for the health of those who already have illness due to allergies and asthma and doing so can offer effective asthma relief.

Dust mites are very tiny insects that can't be seen but thrive easily in bedding, pillows, rugs, mattresses, chairs and anything that has stuffing. Moist, warm and humid environments are their havens. We keep them well fed feed with the dead skin that we shed on a daily basis. The mite produces allergens from their droppings which is microscopic and easily floats into the air. When we inhale this allergen we become ill with allergy or asthma symptoms. If your pillow is two years old it holds around ten percent of it's weigh in dust mites and their waste. Even nastier is your mattress, which can actually contain up to ten million dust mites and their droppings.

It's just not possible to completely get rid of all dust mites, but it is possible to safely reduce their population enough to make a difference in your health. There are several things that experts recommend you do to accomplish this.

First, keeping relative humidity less than 50 percent is proven to greatly reduce the dust mite population and in winter, setting the temperature to not more than 70 F or 21 C will also help prevent them from thriving. Using portable dehumidifiers were not shown to significantly reduce humidity levels. Air conditioners can reduce humidity in the summer, but must be kept clean and air filters need to be replaced frequently.

Invest in a good quality Ultra HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air) filter air purifier to take out the airborne allergens and also an Ultra HEPA filter vacuum cleaner for any rugs or floors and upholstery cleaning. Steam cleaning rugs and furniture is also effective. Washing floors and walls helps to prevent dust build up. If you can replace rugs with laminate flooring etc. this is better.

Placing casings or covers specifically made for dust mite control on pillows and mattresses. Washing all bedding in hot water 60 degrees C or 130 degrees F on a weekly basis is known to kill dust mites and any eggs. Drying bedding in a hot dryer. Chemicals used on carpets and upholstery which are known to kill dust mites can also trigger asthma and allergy reactions are not recommended.Reducing dust mites with these measures will make an improvement in your family's health and possibly prevent them from developing allergies and asthma.


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